‘It is more important that
innocence be protected
than it is that guilt be punished’
- John Adams, Dec. 4, 1770
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Comprehensive Analysis of Government’s Evidence and Trial Support

Defending Liberty is paramount. Modern law enforcement agencies have seemingly unlimited resources and modern cutting-edge tools, collecting what they deem as evidence from cellular telephone intercepts, text and messaging Apps, social media sites, surveillance, search warrants, informants, and more. All of this vast evidence can add up to what could seem like an insurmountable task for attorneys to sort through and analyze to determine the Constitutionality of police actions and separate incriminating evidence from facts that could lead to reasonable doubt. Our investigators cut through the fog and provide criminal defense attorneys with the information they need in a timely manner to mount the strongest defense possible for their clients. We are here to help you and your attorney from arrest to trial.

‘Liberty once lost, is lost forever’
– John Adams, July 7, 1775